Search for artists by:
Ethnicity - Location - Art Form -
Choose an art form (includes a picture of the artist):
Craft Examples
include needlework, dolls, carving, baskets, weaving & metalwork
Dance Examples
include individual and group dances
Food Examples
include pasties, corn & spices
Music Examples
include polka, gospel music, instruments, & percussion
Regional Examples
include decoys, farming & waterfowling
Or choose a geographic location:
CESA 1 | CESA 2 | CESA 3 | CESA 4
CESA 5 | CESA 6 | CESA 7 | CESA 8
CESA 9 | CESA 10 | CESA 11 | CESA 12
(CESAs are educational regions with an agency that serves the school districts within that region.)
Or choose an ethnicity:
Groups include African-American, Ghanaian, Malian
Groups include Iraqi, Syrian
Groups include Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Indian,
Korean, Tibetan
Groups include Balkan, Cornish, Croatian, Czech,
Dutch, Finnish, German, Greek, Jewish,
Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Pomeranian,
Scandinavian, Scottish, Serbian, Slovak,
Swiss, Ukrainian, Walloon
Groups include Cuban, Mexican
Native American
Groups include Ho Chunk, Ojibwe, Oneida
Or choose a curricular theme:
Social Studies
Themes include Change, Community, Family,
Immigration, International Connections,
Political Systems, Religion,
Wisconsin Native Americans
Visual Arts/Music/Dance
Themes include Stories in Art, Seasonal Art, Symbols in Art,
Art in Relation to Place, Art from Salvaged Materials,
Art Careers, Color, Design, Harmony, Improvisation,
Fabric/Textiles, Wood
Language Arts
Themes include Foreign Languages, Legends & Myths
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