All artists listed in Wisconsin Folks are interested in being hired for public presentations in schools, libraries, museums or other educational settings.
Choose an artist from the drop-down list
above. It will connect you with that artist’s Hiring page. There you will find contact information and which of the following types of programs the artist offers:
General Presentation—a “show and tell” type of presentation, probably with stories. Could be 45 minutes to 1.5 hours.
Introductory Workshop—a hands-on, participatory session. Could be 1 to 4 hours.
In-depth Workshop—artist works with a small group on a more challenging activity. This might be a series of visits, such as working with one class for one hour each day.
Residency—artist meets with 1 to 4 classes each day to lead them through a complex project. One week or longer.
Performance—an assembly type of program, with some follow-up discussion/demonstration sessions with two or three small groups. Could be 2 to 4 hours.
The artists in Wisconsin Folks have been selected for inclusion based
on their excellent artistry and practice of cultural heritage. The Wisconsin
Arts Board has not screened other aspects of these artists' backgrounds.
Things to Consider
Here are some things to consider when you hire an artist:
- In general, performers (musicians, dancers, storytellers) are more appropriate for assembly situations than artists who do hand work.
- Plan on $.32 per mile for travel reimbursement for distances over 300 miles.
For shorter distances, plan on $.42 per mile.
- Artists' fees will vary according to what program they are doing, how many
members of their group are involved, the degree to which this is their main
income, and other considerations. Talk to each artist about their fees. Please
do not ask these artists to perform for free.
- Be clear on your goals for the artist’s visit. Most of the Wisconsin Folks artists have huge repertoires from which they can craft a presentation. Explaining your purpose for their visit
will help the artist to prepare.
- Plan the session with the artist. Some of the artists listed in Wisconsin Folks have set programs that they’d like to stick to. Others are very flexible and will adapt their program to
fit your goals.
- Discuss your needs and constraints with the artist. Time limitations, scheduling issues, space constraints, children’s attention spans, age-appropriate materials, etc. would all influence an
artist’s plans.
- Discuss the artist’s needs and constraints. Most of these are listed on the “To Hire” webpage, but be sure to discuss them in detail.
- If you are going to develop an extended program with the artist, one that will take many hours of planning, then plan on paying the artist for a planning day.
- Tell the artist what will happen after the session. If you’re going to record the session or take photographs, ask the artist’s permission in advance. If you’re going to do anything with
these materials after the session, such as keep recordings in the school library’s archive or edit the video tape to be part of a larger work, you must discuss this with the artist.
- Don’t overtax the artist. Most people do not have the stamina that a classroom teacher has! Schedule adequate break times. Keep the artist’s day to an ideal maximum of four contact hours.
- Provide these forms of hospitality: Make a chair available to the artist during the session. Provide drinking water. Have the children wear name tags. Check for dietary needs if providing lunch.
Offer to help the artist with transport of equipment, set-up, and break down. Have the children send drawings of their favorite part of the visit as a way of thanking the artist.