Czech-style Polka
Forestville, WI
Clete Bellin is a pianist and vocalist who leads one of the outstanding Czech
polka bands in the Midwest. Clete's pronunciation of the Czech language when singing is very accurate, even though he is a proud Belgian-American and speaker of the Walloon dialect of French. The
Clete Bellin Orchestra plays polka music/big band moderns, and can perform for almost any occasion or dance, including concerts and shows.
Program Formats
A general presentation—by Clete, on polka as genre and tradition
A performance--by entire orchestra
Best for Ages
Mixed audiences of any age
Artist fee:
For Clete, $200;
For Orchestra, $400 or $100 per person
Program Needs:
For a general presentation by Clete, a piano and microphone or lecturn; for performance by orchestra, electricity, stage or set-up area, chairs
Evenings and weekends
Past Venues:
- Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Washington D.C., 1998
- Wisconsin Folklife Festival, Madison, 1998
- Czech Fests in Nebraska
- Ethnic fests in Dodgeville, Madison, Cedarburg, Hillsboro, Phillips and Green Bay
Clete Bellin
N9436 Fir Road
Forestville, WI 54213
Best to contact by letter or by phone before 7:30 AM or 5:30-7:00 PM.
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