“Junque” Farm Sculptures
Frederic, WI
Auction sale: A sale where a person bids on an item they want and the
highest bidder gets the item.
Ball bearings: alls in between to moving machine parts that decrease
their friction.
Combine: A power-operated harvesting machine that cuts, threshes, and
cleans grain.
Drinking cup: A metal ladle that hangs next to a well that people use to
drink water.
Dump rake: An older tool for harvesting hay with metal teeth to gather
hay and a lever for dumping hay in a pile.
Extruder: A farm machine that forces or pushes a crop out of the ground.
Harrower: A farm machine that breaks up dirt clods, weeds, etc.
High-class: Superior or better status.
Junque: (sounds like, junk.) Junk.
Moldboard: A curved iron plate attached to machine to lift and turn soil.
Running: On-going, happening for a while.
Sculpture: A 3-demensional work of art.
Stanchion: A device that fits loosely around the next of an animal, so
that the animal doesn’t move while a farmer milks or tends to it.
Supplier: A person who obtains or buys goods for another person or
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Journal Questions
around your school, home, or neighborhood. Find an example of junque art. What
old pieces have been changed into something else?
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Resources For Teachers

The Museum of International Folk Art curated an award-winning exhibition “Recycled
Re-Seen: Folk Art from the Global Scrap Heap” which explored inventive
efforts to take discarded trash and remake it into beautiful or meaningful art.
curriculum kit is available through
Crystal Productions.
this lesson
plan for making junque art and discussing cultural differences
regarding recycling with your class. It includes lesson objectives,
step-by-step instructions, assessments and activities, as well as a “Recycled
Art Reflection” worksheet.
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Resources For Students
at what kind of junk
art these kids made from items in their recycling bin at school!
another website with junk art made by kids. Check out their online gallery.
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Text written by Jamie Yuenger, edited by Anne Pryor.
Sources consulted include “‘Up North’: Regionalism, Resources and
Self-Reliance,” by Ruth Olson in Wisconsin Folk Arts: A
Sesquicentennial Celebration. Edited by Robert T. Teske, 1997; and the
website: Dennis O’Donnell
is the Junque Artist.