
Day of the Dead Altars
Milwaukee, WI
Rosa Zamora, who has roots in Michoacan Mexico, has spent
many years researching and curating
exhibits on the Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) traditions. She creates Day
of the Dead altars, incorporating items of significance to the departed loved
one being honored. Rosa makes sugar skulls, papercuts and pan de muerto (traditional bread of the dead)
for inclusion with her altars. She organizes community shows of altars every
October at Walker’s Point Center for the Arts. In her presentations, she explains the
cultural significance of Day of the Dead and stresses the importance of memorializing deceased loved ones. She also can provide demonstrations upon request.
Program Formats
Best for Ages
Mixed audience of any age
Artist fee:
$200, but negotiable based on agency and distance
$50 maximum
Program Needs:
2-3 tables, a board to nail items to, crates, TV with VCR, overhead projector, screen
Flexible, though Saturdays are best. Willing to travel up to 100 miles.
Past Venues:
- Mexican Fine Arts Museum Center, Chicago
- Midwest Folklife Festival, Dodgeville
- Portage County Cultural Festival, Stevens Point
- Milwaukee Public Theatre
- Milwaukee Art Museum
- Mexican Fiesta, Milwaukee
- Walker’s Point Center for the Arts, Milwaukee
- University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
- Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Washington D.C., 1998
- Wisconsin Folklife Festival, Madison
Rosa Zamora
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